5 Women Join Kathie

Before Injury
Injured at work after a tenant rental inspection. 7 surgeries later and she is now unable to use her left hand. During the workers’ compensation claim she was denied home support after surgery by the insurer, despite living alone and forced to have strange men in her home to help her change her bed linen. So impacted by trauma as a result of pain and poor claims management Tina will only allow her case manager to call her once a month.


Before Injury
Sexually assaulted at work, Glenda was denied workers' compensation for 6 years before it was eventually accepted. Despite undergoing in excess of 10 Independent Medical Examinations and repeatedly being forced to recount her assault, she received no psychological treatment through the scheme. She lost her home due to unpaid wages and medical expenses. A statement obtained by an insurer trivialized her assault, likening it to a 'Mills & Boon novel with hints of passion.' Self-representing, Glenda sued the regulators in the Supreme Court for bad faith but lost. The court ruled insurers have no legal duty to act in good faith towards injured workers.
The reason, case law : CGU Workers' Compensation (NSW) v Garcia read about it here. https://researchnow-admin.flinders.edu.au/ws/portalfiles/portal/54827899/The_Garcia_decision_Is_good_faith_in_workers_compensation_claims_management_still_avoidable_2008_19_ILJ_180.pdf

Before Injury
Sarah has inspired others in her ability to openly express her experience supporting her partner, former police and fire fighter, Matt throughout the journey of managing the impact that PTSI has had (and continues to have) on their lives. Post Traumatic Stress Injury doesn't just impact the person experiencing it, it impacts those around them who love and care for them, every bit as much. The wives, husbands, partners, children, parents, family, friends. She talks to the abusive Workers' Compensation System that has stolen her husband's soul.

Claim # 3333
#3333 Not identified.

Before Injury
Ballina has been sandwiched between the CTP and Workers’ Compensation Amendments. Ballina was injured walking to work. Her average earning capacity post injury dropped by 81% annually. Despite an active 9 year claim, she has been denied rehabilitation costs and medical treatment for the real issue of impairment caused. This includes reproductive and sexual health as a result of the accident. She was dismissed and belittled by Insurance Doctors and Case Managers as exhibiting women’s hysteria for her right to female and sexual health. Alarmingly, Ballina was subjected to an unorthodox gynaecological Independent Medical Examination.