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Is It Fit For Purpose?

For decades, the Workers' Compensation Schemes around Australia, funded by compulsory employer premiums collected by Government, has neglected injured workers and their families all while perpetrating mental, physical, and economic abuse rooted in outdated principles of colonialism and sexism. Join us in exploring their journey calling for restorative justice, healing and the demand for  a safer systems for all.

Expert Led

Our work has involved speaking to hundreds of doctors, claims managers, rehabilitation providers, insurers, financial institutions and lawyers. All say the system has been built to harm. A special episode of Shattered is devoted to speaking with the experts who all share their opinions on what needs to be done. It is a finance system delivering health and that is not compatible to return to work or recovery. Lives have been shattered for decades with no accountability for the harm that has been done to tens of thousands of injured people.

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Elevating Voices

Our goal is always for restorative justice and appropriate compensation for all those harmed by this cruel system. It is also to ensure this never ever happens again.


Updates on Systemic Issues in Workers' Compensation:


A claimant successfully highlighted the intersectionality of financial systems by exposing how individuals on workers' compensation face discrimination when attempting to access loans and other financial products. This particularly impacts those experiencing financial hardship while unable to work.


Another case brought attention to statutory harm caused by government policies that don't require insurers to act in good faith when handling workers' compensation claims.


Evidence has emerged showing that Independent Medical Examinations (IMEs) function primarily as medico-legal reports rather than patient care assessments. These reports frequently contradict treatment plans and health priorities for injured workers.


Multiple complaints have revealed inadequate investigation procedures by regulatory bodies, highlighting gaps in oversight and accountability.


Workers' compensation cases have demonstrated how the system routinely overlooks the crucial role of families in recovery and return-to-work processes, despite their essential support function.


System-wide technology issues have been documented across both Workers' Compensation and General Insurance, showing how fragmented computer systems create catastrophic impacts for claimants during critical life moments when they most need support.


Note: While not all advocacy efforts have reached resolution, sustained pressure for change continues to build momentum for system reform.

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Research Driven

GIDII Advocacy has spent months trawling legislation, reviewing parliamentary inquiry submissions and academic research. What we have found is a chaotic system that refuses to enact recommendations that will address the harm, over politicization of the health of injured people that denies them care and a system where money is going to everyone except where it should go, and that is to the injured to get them back to work and to health.

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Town Hall Gatherings

GIDII Advocacy has traversed around the State, several times. From kitchen tables to community cafes across Australia, we've looked into the eyes of those shattered by this broken system. We've held the hands of mothers who can no longer hold their children, listened to workers stripped of their dignity, and witnessed families crumbling under the weight of medical bills and bureaucratic indifference. These aren't just stories – they're the devastating reality of an antiquated system that continues to destroy Australian lives while those in power look away.

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Educating Policy Makers

We have been the thorn in policy makers and systems' administrators sides for months. Change is messy. Change takes courage and change can be uncomfortable. We make no apology for demanding that sick, vulnerable people who are unable to advocate for themselves deserve care and respect, not abuse.

Educating the Media

Beyond the fleeting headlines in Workers' Compensation coverage lies a predictable pattern: tales of government neglect and heartless policies, punctuated by personal stories of suffering. But this narrative barely scratches the surface of a systemic catastrophe.


The scale of this abuse is unprecedented and it has been going on for decades. It has been compounded and spread globally by a computer program introduced in the late 1980's early 90s to stop claims leakage. 


This isn't merely mismanagement – it's an atrocity spanning generations, destroying countless lives.


This abuse is at scale and incentivizes others to harm.


It is one of the biggest scandals this country has ever known, a population of people who all they did was get injured at work, only to be punished, humiliated, degraded and forgotten by society and trapped in a maze of bureaucratic entanglement from which there is no recovery.



The Shattered DocuSeries is produced by GIDII Advocacy working to end moral injury with the goal to improve equity for the vulnerable across the core plinths of 


  •         Financial Services

  •         Health 

  •         Government. 

We believe that film is one of the most powerful tools of an advocacy campaign to bring about change and encourage others to take action, leading to the dismantling of harmful systems.

The Shattered Documentary Series looks at social issues where the narrative construct has become dysfunctional and requires correction.


Viewers see first hand the impact of poorly designed systems and policies that harm instead of heal, allowing for reflection.


Are these systems fit for purpose, or do we need to find a new way forward?

It Stops With Me

Episode 1


The Punishment of Money

Episode 2

The Punishment of


Coming Soon

Doctor Doctor

Episode 3



In Review

Addressing the Court

Episode 4

 Royal Commissions Examined

In Planning


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