A Global Crisis, An Australian Tragedy Join the National Campaign for a Royal Commission
We started out to tell how cruel this system was to those who are injured, but In our investigation, we didn't expect to unearth how a cost saving software program developed in Australia in the 80's, and its descendants transformed workers' compensation into a machine designed to process human suffering. To honor those whose lives have been destroyed we had to research it and dig deeper. What began in claims offices has metastasized into a global crisis of clinical destruction. Insurance giants. Government indifference. Secret claim denial quotas. The brave who dare to speak out. Some documentaries make you think. This one will make you rage. When the system meant to save you becomes the one you need saving from.
Find Where to Watch
On your how you can end the stigma and your place in changing the narrative
By speaking out about the harm done to the injured and their families, and changing the narrative

Take Your Tribe

Episode 1
Through the voices of health professionals, lawyers, rehabilitation experts and survivors, this documentary challenges us all to examine our role in perpetuating or failing to prevent systemic abuse in Australia's $60bn Workers' Compensation Scheme. The damage that has been done to thousands of lives must be acknowledged. As those in the system talk of reform, one constant question is also always asked, remarkably by the system itself: Is it fit for purpose.
Environmental Analysis
Examine wider community and identify audiences and assumptions playing into existing narrative. Fact Check. Is it true?
Strategic Storytelling
Facts tell, stories sell. As necessary correct the backstory with facts, evidence and stories.
Show New Story
People are wired for stories. Use memes, images, metaphors and channels of communication that resonate with audience. Keep it human and authentic.
Journey With New Story
It takes time to change a dysfunctional story. Stay the course. Measure and adjust. Build collaborative partnerships of care to embed new story.
Our Framework
We are currently fact checking a number of ambiguous and inconsistent issues that we have identified across other platforms to clarify. Accordingly, this website will be updated on a regular basis so please check back. If you have information that you would like us to consider, please use the contact page and we will be in touch. We appreciate your time.

For too long, injured workers have faced persecution and stigma simply for being hurt at work. Now, in this societal shift, we must prioritize their care. Human life cannot be replaced.
Kathie Melocco
Episode 1
In 1939, just weeks before the world erupted into war, a mining workplace accident claimed the life of one Australian family's patriarch. Eight decades later, his granddaughter Kathie Melocco would find herself caught in the very system that was born from tragedies like his – a system that promised protection but delivered devastation.
Through the eyes of health professionals, legal experts, and insurance industry insiders, a disturbing pattern emerges: a financial machine masquerading as healthcare, leaving a trail of shattered lives in its wake. As Kathie retraces her grandfather's story and confronts her own experience as a victim/survivor, she unearths the haunting reality of what has really caused the harm. It's a computer software program developed to stop claims leakage by the Government in the late 80's and then exported around the globe. The program known as Colossus and its subsequent descendants, is widely known in other markets with little fanfare here in Australia. With the intense pressure on the insurance sector due to disaster after disaster, now is the time for us all to ask how is AI being used by these financial giants who try to 'manage out' our shattered lives.
Take Action

Invite Us To Speak
Bring the filmmakers and experts behind the film to your stage.

Host A Screening
Host a screening of Shattered and inspire the people in your community to take action.

Support Our Campaign
Donate to fund initiatives and further our impact campaigns.

Demand Legislative Change
Use your voice to help the injured and pledge to support “A Royal Commission.”

Become A Partner
Collaborate with us in expanding impact and programs to more communities.

Spread the Word
Share our posts and talk about the film.

Build moral courage in your organisation. Stop the harm.

Throw your support behind the national day of Healing.